margaret and quinn


day two progress, Margaret and Quinn, oil on linen, 14"x 24"


She washes syrup off of their hands, she folds their little shirts, she takes their temperature, she throws snowballs at them, she lifts them, she consoles them, she spanks them, she consoles them, she sings them songs, she buys them trains, she turns on their movie, she orders them to bed, she lets them plant the baby carrots in the garden, she teaches them the difference between parsley and oregano, she teaches them song lyrics, she walks with them to the bus stop, she answers their questions, she searches for their dropped toys on dark streets, she rides them along in the bike, she bakes them cider doughnuts, she makes them Christmas toys, she blasts Billy Joel in the car to drown out their crying, she races them along the beach, she listens to their concerns, she builds them model rockets, she moves the beach umbrella to cover them when the sun travels across the sand, she paints them a wooden toy, she makes them hot chocolate, she sorts their socks, she prays for them, she laughs at their jokes, she cries when their fevers rise, she whispers at night, she pulls the covers over them, she kisses them on the forehead, she closes the door, she checks on them throughout the night.