opening night at converge

The opening night at Converge went very well.  The show was packed with hundreds of people, and the energy was so great, it really is one of the most exciting shows that I've ever witnessed.  My painting was received very well, and I had a lot of interest, with many people wanting to talk about the piece. It was wonderful, people came from all over- many collectors, patrons, friends, some driving over a hundred miles to get there.  One of the best things about the night was getting to meet the other artists.  There were artists who I had wanted to meet, all of my life, and now I had the chance to exhibit alongside of them- what a great evening!

The Salmagundi Club, the art venue on Fifth Avenue, wrote a blog on the show, featuring me!  I am including the link here, as I think it will do a good job of covering the evening.  Click on the following link, and enjoy!