etude d' poulet
So many artists I talk to, especially in urban areas, will incessantly bemoan the fact that nobody takes them seriously. I couldn't concur more. I mean, come on, why doesn't society realize how vital we are, to the very fabric of social identity? Why, if it weren't for our insights, all advancements would just, like, not advance. Take us seriously, or else, ummm, we will strangely have to label our works in French or some other language. If not for us artists, yes sir, it would just be all fun and games- wait, strike that, reverse it. You can't just laugh us off, like we're these loony people that go around, doing, ummm, weird stuff, and uh, having an inability to focus on, uh, the thing that, the thing that we do, as if we never finish a... Geez, note to self: place garbage can beneath the chicken, before beginning drawing.